Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I am Willing

I Am Willing I am willing
to change what doesn’t work
for me in my life.
I am willing to listen
with an open heart,
without judging.
I am willing to plant seeds
that take a long time,
if ever, to grow.
I am willing to feel
and let go.
I am willing to make mistakes
and learn from them.
I am willing
to live in the present.
I am willing to forgive
and forget in my heart.
I am willing to love as much
as my endless spirit will allow.
I am willing to be seen
in all my radiance.
I am willing to be fearless.
I am willing to be powerful.
I am willing to be peaceful.
I am willing to stand tall.
and walk gracefully.
I am willing to sing with my stunning, full voice.
I am willing to allow.
I am willing to let go.
I am willing to change.
I am willing to see
and be seen.
I am willing to hear
and be heard.
I am willing to feel
and be felt.
I am willing to heal
and be healed.
I am willing to love
and be loved.
I am willing
to be fully human.

© Margaret Dubay Mikus


  1. You poem is very poignant for me right now. Thank you. I have printed it out and will read it every morning. God bless you!

  2. Thanks Jane,
    A dear friend send it to me, and I want to be
    willing! Enjoy it also, and peace and joy to you also!

  3. Love your fun sense of style! This poem was especially meaningful for me this morning, so I've printed it off and will put it in my inspiration binder. Glad I found your blog!

  4. Thank you for the post and comments on my poem, I am Willing. It can be found with other healing writings in my book, "As Easy as Breathing: Reclaiming Power for Healing and Transformation—Poems, Letters and Inner Listening." I try to keep track of where this poem (which I wrote in 1996!) has landed. It has connected me to others in ways I did not originally imagine. I am grateful. Visit me at www.FullBlooming.com or my blog.
